- Customer information privacy is one of our top priorities at https://skx.com.vn
- SKX is commited to use these information for the only purpose of improving customer service and creating a safe, convenient online communication at skx.com.vn.
Information Usage
- Providing some utilities, improving the quality of customer support service.
- Communicating and solving any issues with customers in special cases.
- Not to use customer information for any other purposes than communicating about transactions at skx.com.vn
- SKX understand that protecting your privacy is our duty, therefore if there is any questions or comments regarding the privacy policy of skx.com.vn, please contact 0906 826 536 or email: info@skx.com.vn
Information storage time
Customer information are to be stored until there is demand for deletion. In other cases, customer information will be kept safely on the server of skx.com.vn