Split green peas

Green peas are a very healthy food for people on diet, women after birth, pregnant women, malnourished children, old people, sick people, diabete patients

Split green peas are imported from the USA, which meet the food safety criteria of the USDA. These peas are naturally cultivated with non-GMO seeds, no chemical preservatives, fertilizers and growth stimulants. 

Nutrition Ingredients

- 100 gram of green peas contains up to 16,78gr of protein; 6,5gr of sugar; 4,85gr fiber; 0,93mg Thimin; 254 mcg Axit Folic; 336 Kcal; 79,9mg canxi; 6,79mg iron; 115mg magnesium; 460mg Phosphorus; 820mg Kali; 2,88mg Zinc; 0,76mg Cooper; 1,17mg Manganese.


Based on reports from the researchers of Manitoba University (Canada), green peas can help prevent and treat diabete type 2, very beneficial for health because its ingredients contain plenty of fiber, protein, antioxydants, little fat. 

In addition, green peas provides daily nutrition for people of all ages and sex... Especially it is very healthy for malnourished and overweighed children, pregnant women, milk feeding women, sick and old people... Green peas usage is a good choice for healthy nutrition.